Wednesday 19 November 2008

Its just a bit of pain

This post will be short and maybe a little incoherent. I experiencing as much pain as I think you can without passing out from the pain. I am drowning in my own sense of self pity and wondering whether I am a complete whoos for complaining so much about a jaw ache. It was supposed to be a straightforward extraction so I agreed to let a student dentist take it out. In the end she could not do it and the doctor took over because in order to get it out they had to drill round it to prise it out of the jaw so I am missing a bit of my bottom jaw. But I am so aware that somewhere in Africa today mothers have watched their children die from starvation. There are Christians in prison in places like North Korea who have been tortured today. I will probably go to the doctors in the morning if it still hurts and get some more powerful pain control and in a few days I will only feel a bit sore. It really wasn't that bad a day.

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